Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Arjuna penance

  1. (the first) month subsisting on fruit and roots. 
  2. I spent the second month, subsisting on water. 
  3. in the third month I totally abstained from food. And 
  4. in the fourth month I remained with upraised arms. And a wonder it is that I did not lose any strength.


lord of treasures said, 'O Yudhishthira, 
  1. patience, 
  2. ability, 
  3. (appropriate) time and 
  4. place and 
  5. prowess--these five lead to success in human affairs.

laugh and grieve

Monday, March 9, 2015

All in One

Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra
  1. In righteousness, 
  2. in deeds, 
  3. in lineage, 
  4. in intelligence, 
  5. in achievements, 
  6. in fame, 
  7. in prosperity, there never was, and there never will be, another man so endued as Yudhishthira. Devoted to truth and righteousness, and with passions under control, king Yudhishthira, in consequence of his worship of the Brahmans and, diverse other virtues of similar nature, is always in the enjoyment of Heaven. 
  1. Destroyer himself at the end of the Yuga, 
  2. Jamadagni's valiant son (Rama), and 
  3. Bhimasena on his car,--these three, O king, are spoken of as equal. 
Of Partha, the wielder of Gandiva,
  1. who always achieveth his vows in battle, 
  2. I do not see a proper parallel on earth. 
  1. Reverence for superiors, 
  2. keeping counsels, 
  3. humility,
  4. self-restraint, 
  5. beauty of person, and 
  6. bravery--these six--are ever present in Nakula. 
  1. knowledge of scriptures, 
  2. gravity, 
  3. sweetness of temper, 
  4. righteousness and 
  5. prowess, the heroic Sahadeva is equal to the Aswins themselves. 
All those noble qualities that are in Krishna, all those that are in the Pandavas, all that assemblage of qualities was to be found in Abhimanyu alone.
  1. In firmness, he was equal to Yudhishthira, and 
  2. in conduct to Krishna; 
  3. in feats, he was the equal to Bhimasena of terrible deeds, 
  4. in beauty of person, in prowess, and in knowledge of scriptures he was the equal to Dhananjaya. 
  5. In humility, he was equal to Sahadeva and Nakula.'   


Who - among mighty men like Bheeshma, Drona, Bheema, Arjuna, Karna, Ashwatthama, Duryodhana and Dusshasana - was this great hero who won such praise?

He was yet a boy. Such was his prowess that the entire army of the Kauravas trembled.

Mighty heroes among the Kauravas, who were deemed unequalled, had to flee, To defeat and kill that young boy, all of them had to join together and encircle him.

That human thunderbolt was the heroic Abhimanyu.



Arjuna Before Leaving to Heaven from Mandara Mountain

'O mountain, thou art ever the refuge of holy, Munis of virtuous conduct and behaviour. It is through thy grace, O mountain, that people attain heaven, and their anxieties gone, sport with the celestials.

O king of mountains,

O mountain, thou art the asylum of Munis, and thou holdest on thy breast numerous sacred shrines. Happily have I dwelt on thy heights. I leave thee now, bidding thee farewell. Often have I seen thy tablelands and bowers, thy springs and brooks, and the sacred shrines on thy breast. I have also eaten the savoury fruits growing on thee, and have slated my thirst with draughts of perfumed water oozing from the body. I have also drunk the water of thy springs, sweet as amrita itself.

O mountain, as a child sleepeth happily on the lap of his father, so have I,

O king of mountains,

O excellent one, sported on thy breast, echoing with the notes of Apsaras and the chanting of Vedas.

O mountain, every day have I lived happily on thy tablelands.'


Lomasa to Yudhistira http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03139.htm




Hawk VS Pigeon

Sharing Hell and Heaven

Sunday, March 8, 2015



Akritavrana, who was a follower of Parasurama to Yudhistira





Yudhishthira asked Lomasa as to why Agastya had slain Vatapi there.

Gods Vs Asuras

Lomasa to Yudhistira

The gods practised virtue, while the Asuras abandoned it. The gods visited the tirthas, while the Asuras did not visit them.
  1. And at first the sinful Asuras were possessed with pride. 
  2. And pride begat vanity and 
  3. vanity begat wrath. 
  4. And from wrath arose every kind of evil propensities, and 
  5. from these latter sprang shamelessness. 
  6. And in consequence of shamelessness, good behaviour disappeared from among them. 
  7. And because they had become shameless and destitute of virtuous propensities and good conduct and virtuous vows, forgiveness and prosperity and morality forsook them in no time. 
And prosperity then, O king, sought the gods, while adversity sought the Asuras. And when the Daityas and the Danavas, deprived of sense by pride, were possessed by adversity. Kali also sought to possess them. And, O son of Kunti, overwhelmed with pride, and destitute of rites and sacrifices, and devoid of reason and feeling, and their hearts full of vanity, destruction overtook them soon. And covered with infamy, the Daityas were soon exterminated. 
The gods, however, 
  1. who were virtuous in their practices, 
  2. going to 
    1. the seas, 
    2. the rivers, 
    3. the lakes and 
    4. the holy spots, cleansed themselves of all sins,
  3. By means of 
    1. ascetic penances and 
    2. sacrifices and 
    3. gifts and 
    4. blessings, and obtained prosperity and the consequence. 
  4. And because the gods always performed sacrifices and holy deeds abandoning every practice that was evil, and visited the tirthas, as the consequence thereof they acquired great good fortune.


Vyasa to yudhisthira

  1. Observance of regulations in respect of the body are called earthly vows, 
  2. While efforts to purify the heart, so that it may be free from evil thoughts, are called spiritual vows.


Let those citizens that have followed me from motives of loyalty, and whom I have hitherto kept on proper stipends,
  1. repair to king Dhritarashtra. He will give them their allowances in due time. 
  2. If, however, that king refuses to grant them proper allowances, the king of the Panchalas will,
for our
  1. satisfaction and 
  2. welfare, give them these.

Thousand handed

The princess of Panchala in particular, remembering her third lord, addressed the anxious Yudhishthira and said,

That Arjuna who with two hands rivals the thousand-armed Arjuna (of old)



Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra

Amongst the Pandavas, the illustrious Nakula and Sahadeva,
  1. of celestial origin and 
  2. equal unto the chief himself of the celestials in splendour, 
  3. are invincible in battle. 
  4. They are firm in the wielding of weapons, 
  5. capable of shooting at a long distance, 
  6. resolute in battle, 
  7. of remarkable lightness of hand, 
  8. of wrath that is not easily quelled, 
  9. possessed of great steadiness, and 
  10. endued with activity. 
  11. Possessed of the prowess of lions and 
  12. unbearable as the Aswins themselves


Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra
  1. All the sons of Pandu are the foremost of smiters; 
  2. all of them are of immeasurable energy; 
  3. all of them are well-versed in every kind of weapons. 
  4. For these, they are incapable of being vanquished even by the gods.


At the command of Indra, to that large and extensive starry way called by the name of Suravithi. There he met with
  1. the Sadhyas, 
  2. the Viswas, 
  3. the Marutas, 
  4. the twin Aswins, 
  5. the Adityas, 
  6. the Vasus, 
  7. the Rudras, 
  8. the Brahmarshis of the great splendour, and numerous royal sages with 
    1. Dilipa at their head, and 
    2. Tumvura and 
    3. Narada, and 
  9. that couple of Gandharvas known by the names of 
    1. Haha and 
    2. Huhu. 
And the Kuru prince--that chastiser of foes--having met and duly saluted them, last of all beheld the chief of the celestials--the god of a hundred sacrifices.
